Monitoring and supervision

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Vision Sciences has made a series of agreements, following the regulations for the presentation and defense of the doctoral thesis of the UVa. These agreements refer to the following:

§ Minimum required training activities.

Attendance to the annual cycle of research seminars is mandatory in this program, except for duly justified exceptions. To obtain the positive evaluation of the academic year, each student must perform a minimum of:

1. Full-time student - certificate of attendance to the research seminars (minimum of 75%).

2. Part-time student - certificate of attendance to the research seminars (minimum of 5%) or certificate (labor or other) justifying the impossibility of attendance.

Likewise, participation in the UVa Predoctoral Researchers Conference in Vision Sciences is mandatory, at least once during the doctoral training period. Participation is understood as the summary presentation of the development of the doctoral thesis, either in person or online.

§ Criteria for the contribution supporting the doctoral thesis

In this program a first, second or third quartile JCR (JCR Q1-Q3) or first quartile SJR (SJR Q1) scientific publication is required.

§ Criteria for obtaining the International Mention

In addition to meeting the requirements for staying abroad detailed in the UVa regulations, the thesis report will include at least the following:

  1. A chapter written in English that includes the research carried out during the international stay.
  2. The conclusions of the thesis written in Spanish and English.
  3. A summary of the entire thesis also written in English. The thesis report may be written entirely in English, if considered appropriate.

As for the defense, it may be done either in Spanish and English, or completely in English.